The Porous City Network was established in 2017 to “increase urban resilience and adaptability to confront future climate uncertainty in vulnerable communities in Bangkok and other Southeast Asia Cities.” This ambitious project provides one example of how architectural solutions can empower citizens to increase their resilience to flooding.
Climate change means drought and flood risks now exist everywhere in the world and preparing for “trigger points” is key to resilience, Jacobs Vice-President Bryan Harvey told the World Water-Tech Innovation Summit in London.
Many of this year’s outlook stories paint a grim picture, particularly for our environment. And yet, as we look deeper into some of the challenges ahead, we see new solutions emerging. Without minimizing the task ahead, we want to point to some trends that are unlocking investment for nature and offering hope for a sustainable […]
“Prepare. Act. Survive.” Those are the simple but stark words behind the campaign we’ve launched this week to help keep people safe from flooding.
What role do video games play in preparing people for disasters? Anthony Gampell speaks to Sarah Nobis about how games can deliver disaster skills training.
Quito listo means Quito is ready. The host city of Habitat III where the New Urban Agenda was adopted, has to be ready for a broad range of natural hazards, according to Mayor Mauricio Rodas, speaking at the World Urban Forum.
View from the field: how community-built bio-dykes are protecting rural villages and livelihoods from flooding in Nepal. This appropriate and local technology is improving communites’ resilience to flood events from unpredictable and changeable rivers.
The World Bank and the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) are engaging Tanzanian students in a large community-driven initiative for identifying flood risks. The data students collect will be critical to improving drainage, health care, and social service delivery. This initiative is guiding the development of a bachelor’s degree curriculum on sustainable […]
Aldo Gómez Gaspar, a psychologist from the response team of the Office of National Defense and Disaster Risk Management of the Ministry of Education (Minedu), provided recommendations to face the rainy season and other climatic phenomena in the different regions of Peru.