31 May, 2018

This article describes how ICIMOD have utilised cutting edge location-based technology from Esri to move from disaster response to disaster resilience in the Himalayas. 

30 May, 2018

From the Oasis Hub, this blog looks at how, globally, climate change is likely to increase urban flood risk in the future. Understanding this risk through high quality data is the first line of defence against these floods, see how Oasis Hub can help you to better understand the risk in your city.

23 May, 2018

This week is the EU’s Green Week, which will focus on building sustainable cities in the face of climate change.  To mark this David Nash, head of the Zurich Z Foundation, focuses on the special challenges that affect how people in cities are coping.

21 May, 2018

India is increasingly threatened by floods, and its resilience depends on successful trans-boundary early warning systems. During a national workshop, organized by Practical Action, key stakeholders came together from across the region to discuss how a successful flood early warning system could be designed and implemented. Here they share their insights and actions for the […]

08 May, 2018

The future is uncertain. It’s hard to know exactly how our climate will change. That means there is also deep uncertainty around its impacts on flooding, the most prevalent disaster worldwide. Floods account for 43% of all recorded disaster events in the past 20 years. Will climate change exacerbate flooding events? How much will sea […]

03 May, 2018

Floods in urban areas are a growing risk in many countries of the developing world. This column explains how integrated actions to adapt to flooding are urgently needed in most cities in Africa, Asia and Latin America – particularly to help deprived people living in areas of inadequate housing. We must comprehend the links between […]

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