About Us
The Alliance is a multi-sectoral partnership, powered by the Z Zurich Foundation, focused on enhancing resilience to climate hazards in both rural and urban communities.
Formerly the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance, we have over a decade of experience in generating evidence of communities’ current levels of climate resilience and identifying appropriate solutions.
Our partners are drawn from the humanitarian, NGO, research and private sectors. We work together to achieve our vision by implementing solutions, promoting good practice, influencing policy and facilitating systemic change.
The Alliance Partners

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) advances systems analysis and applies its research methods to identify solutions to reduce human footprints, enhance the resilience of natural and socioeconomic systems.

ISET-International (ISET), the Alliance’s MERL lead and an implementing partner in Vietnam, builds climate resilience through program design, implementation, evaluation, and learning.

The Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment is a multidisciplinary centre for policy-relevant research and training on climate change and the environment.

Mercy Corps’ mission is to alleviate suffering, poverty, and oppression by helping people build secure, productive, and just communities.

Practical Action is developing innovative real-world solutions to build sustainable lives and livelihoods for people living on the frontlines of poverty and climate change.

Zurich is transforming insurance by offering prevention services such as those that enhance climate resilience, in addition to providing insurance protection.

Enhance and increase the resilience of urban and rural communities of climate hazards.

Promote the widespread adoption of good climate resilience practices.

Increase the funding available to communities to improve their climate resilience.

Improve the policy environment for building community resilience to climate hazards.
As an Alliance, we work to achieve our objectives through long-term, flexible, community-centered programming and a focus on systemic change.
We do this by delivering programmes, conducting evidence-based research, sharing our knowledge and influencing key stakeholders on resilience to climate hazards.
Evidence-based and community-led solutions
Our website shares practical knowledge alongside the latest evidence and research about how to build community resilience to climate hazards. We share learnings generated through the Alliance’s work across the world, as well as from many other sources of evidence.