Disasters caused by extreme weather events are on the rise. Floods in particular are increasing in frequency and severity, with reoccurring events trapping people in a vicious cycle of poverty. Information is key for communities to prepare for and respond to floods – to inform risk reduction strategies improve land use planning, and prepare for […]
Flood deposited sand is a major problem on the river basins in Nepal (Adhikari, 2003). Farming in sandy soil particularly in flood prone areas needs longer and greater efforts where land reclamation is issue in sand deposition. Sandy soils have a wide range of limiting factors for agricultural use (Zhao et. Al.,): these include nutrient […]
This June, two groups of NGO workers met in two distant parts of the world – Peru and Indonesia. Despite 18,000 km of ocean separating them, they shared a common goal: to help river valley communities that are vulnerable to floods. They were going to explore the ways to do that by playing a game.
“Sustainable…Participatory…Resilience”…I have to admit that I hate buzzwords – they get thrown about so much that they can often lose their real meaning and ability to do any good. That is why to me the work of the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance is so important. The Alliance works not only to increase the resilience of […]
The Karnali is a trans-boundary river that originates from the Himalayas and flows along the steep and hilly terrain of West Nepal. The Karnali drains into the Terai plains from a narrow gorge at Chisapani where the river splits into the Geruwa and Karnali rivers, creating an inland delta before converging as the Ghagra in […]
Misnawati Dewi, 45, could only stare in shock from the second floor of her two-storey home in East Jakarta as floodwaters inundated the ground level. The situation was a grim reminder of the floods which struck Jakarta in 2007, when she almost lost her oldest son to the surging waters.
The PERC report “Urgent case for recovery: what we can learn from the August 2014 Karnali River floods in Nepal” is an attempt to analyze the Karnali floods of August 2014 and identify opportunities for improving flood risk and disaster management in Nepal.
The extreme poverty status of Bangladesh (those with a per capita daily income of less than US$1.25) is reducing significantly in rural areas, but rural poverty is still higher than urban poverty in Bangladesh.