The Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance (the Alliance) is a multi-sectoral partnership focusing on finding practical ways to support communities in developed and developing countries strengthen their resilience to flood risk.
Our vision is that floods have no negative impact on people’s and business’ ability to thrive.
The Alliance consists of humanitarian, NGO, research, and private sector partners who work together to increase public and private investment in evidence-informed community-based flood resilience.
The Alliance was originally launched in 2013 with the goal of shifting focus from flood response and recovery to pre-event risk reduction. Based on the successes achieved in this first phase, the Z Zurich Foundation extended funding for a second five-year phase in 2018, and in 2020 support was further extended through to 2024.
Alliance Partners
Originally five organisations working together, the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance now comprises 9 members:
Our definition of resilience
The Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance understands the concept of resilience as:
“The ability of a system, community, or society to pursue its social, ecological, and economic development and growth objectives, while managing its disaster risk over time in a mutually reinforcing way.”
Our objectives 
At the UN Climate Action Summit in 2019 we committed to:
- Scaling up our work in climate action, including advocating for the generation of an additional US $1 billion from public and private sources in climate-smart, risk-informed development, which builds resilience.
- Helping make 2 million people more resilient to flooding. We will elevate community voices and research findings with international donors and all levels of government to show why increased investment in flood resilience is urgently needed.
- Engaging with other initiatives, including the Risk Informed Early Action Partnership (REAP) of the Adaptation and Resilience workstream.
Our Theory of Change

Achieving, and measuring, change
To track our progress towards the Theory of Change made on global and community levels, and to document our impact we have developed a Monitoring, Reporting, and Learning (MRL) system.
Using this system, we measure the change we are achieving and how we are achieving it to support better cross-Alliance coordination and strategy.
- money
- staff time
- internal and external expertise
- knowledge products
- community interventions
- plans, policies and finance commitments
- increases in stakeholder knowledge, capacity, and collaboration
- demonstration of flood resilience best practices changes in stakeholder behaviour
- increased spending on flood resilience
- improved flood resilience policies
- increase in community flood resilience
How we work
As an Alliance we work to achieve our objectives through long-term, flexible community programmes, producing new research, sharing our knowledge, and influencing key stakeholders on flood and climate resilience.
Our workstream structure supports sector specific work, while cross-workstream collaboration allows us to aggregate that work to deliver shared objectives.
The workstreams and governance bodies together support a distributed operational model designed to allow all partners to take responsibility for the delivery of Alliance objectives, with no single organisation, including Zurich, being the sole ‘manager’ of the Alliance.

Our priorities
Where we work 
- Flood risk;
- Flood vulnerability; and
- Interest on the part of both the community and local authorities to work with the Aliance.
Our knowledge 
We facilitate learning on flood resilience gaps and good practices to:
- Ensure that practitioners can learn from our experiences and flood resilience approaches and
- Generate evidence to influence flood resilience investments and policy.