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The Zurich flood resilience program – Phase 1 from 2013-2018: Stocktaking and impact evaluation report

Pre-event risk reduction is the focus of efforts across the Zurich flood resilience program. We know that prevention is cost-effective, but nearly 87 percent of disaster-related spending on aid goes into emergency response, reconstruction and rehabilitation, and only 13 percent toward reducing and managing the risks before they became disasters. But flood resilience cannot be enhanced by one stakeholder alone, that is why Zurich Insurance have created a multi-organizational partnership to enhance societal flood resilience in 2013. 5 years later, more than 110 communities in 9 countries have benefited from the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance projects. This report looks at what has been achieved in the first five years of the Alliance (2013 – 2018), and what more can be done in the future as the Alliance moves into another five year phase.

Zurich Insurance

Language: English
Published By: Zurich Insurance
Published date: July 2018

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