25 August, 2017

A warehouse in Tikapur, constructed with the support from Nepal Flood Resilience Project in coordination with government and non-government stakeholders, worked well in the flood of 2017. The warehouse eased the relief collection, storage and distribution and made the process smooth, transparent, equitable and timely.

24 August, 2017

Being born and raised from a tropical country like the Philippines makes us used to flooding. By the time we’re 18, we think we already know everything about flood — its brown and murky color, its stench, and its devastating consequences.

22 August, 2017

Nepal has mainly two types of river systems. First type includes big rivers which originate in China and flow downwards forming big catchment in Nepal. Second type comprises small streams and rivulets which originate in lower hills, the Churia, and flow down to Terai, the southern plains.

13 July, 2017

We are mentioning technology as a tool for changing our lives so often that it has become a ‘cliché’. This mentioned “change” however, seems to be very relative depending on which part you live in the world. As an example, for someone living in a country not exposed to natural hazards, technology is in most […]

27 June, 2017

In June 2017 at the 11th International Conference on Community Based Adaptation (CBA11) Practical Action and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Environment and Disaster Management (EDM) program collaborated to present a session on Community Based Adaptation exploring with practitioners the linkage between flood risk and healthy ecosystems, using a game.

05 May, 2017

The Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance Measurement Framework: In 2013 the Z Zurich Foundation initiated a global alliance of partners to understand what builds resilience to flooding. This alliance has taken an innovative approach – linking academic insights, humanitarian and development sector capabilities, as well as Zurich’s skills and knowledge – to enhance community resilience to flooding.

06 April, 2017

Karnali, Chisapani station is the sole hydrological station representing vast downstream region of Bardiya and Kailali district, even beyond the Nepal-India border. Considering the complex river dynamics of Karnali and its breaded form several kilometres downstream, sometimes flood early warnings based on water level at Chisapani does not correlate with the flood levels for the […]

22 March, 2017

We know that 663 million people are already struggling to access clean water due to poor management of services, social inequalities and population growth. But there’s another growing issue that’s compounding the problem: wild water. This World Water Day Florence Stuart-Leach, Digital Editor at WaterAid UK, discusses the findings of WaterAid’s new report, ‘Wild Water: […]